
The mint function transfers an asset into the protocol, which begins accumulating interest based on the current Supply Rate. The user receives a quantity of fTokens equal to the underlying tokens tokens supplied, divided by the current Exchange Rate.


function mint(uint mintAmount) returns (uint)
  • msg.sender: The account which shall supply the asset, and own the minted fTokens.

  • mintAmount: The amount of the asset to be supplied, in units of the underlying asset.

  • RETURN: 0 on success, otherwise an Error Code

Before supplying an asset, users must first approve the fToken to access their token balance.


function mint() payable
  • msg.value: payable The amount of ether to be supplied, in wei.

  • msg.sender: The account which shall supply the BNB, and own the minted fTokens.

  • RETURN: No return, reverts on error.


Bep20 underlying = Bep20(0xToken...);     // get a handle for the underlying asset
FBep20 fToken = FBep20(0x3FDA...);        // get a handle for the corresponding fToken Contract
underlying.approve(address(fToken), 100); // approve the transfer
assert( == 0);            // mint the fTokens and assert there is no error

Web3 1.0

const fToken =;
await{from: myAccount, value: 50});

Last updated